New 3DMark World Records Set in GALAXY Overclocking Contest

April 9, 2013

After four weeks of intense competition, the results are in for our first official 3DMark overclocking competition. Sponsored by GALAXY and KFA2, the 3DMark Ice Storm Overclocking Contest challenged contestants to submit the highest scores in Ice Storm, Cloud Gate and Fire Strike using GALAXY and KFA2 brand graphics cards.

Overall, there was a very high level of competition but it was Team HKEPC who rose to the top with an outstanding show of overclocking skill, achieving a clean sweep with the highest scores in all three contest categories. What's more, in the Ice Storm and Cloud Gate categories the winning results are new 3DMark world records.

The Futuremark Overclocking Hall of Fame is home to the world's highest 3DMark scores set by the most talented overclockers with the most extreme hardware. We validate all benchmark results to ensure that scores accurately reflect each system's true performance. The Hall of Fame is the only source of official 3DMark world records.

Ice Storm contest segment

Contestants were competing to achieve the best 3DMark Ice Storm score from a system with a single CPU and single GPU, limited to GTX 680 and below.

Congratulations to HKEPC-MadTse whose new 3DMark Ice Storm world record score of 288,684 earns him the top $3,000 USD prize, plus a $2,000 bonus for the world record and a limited edition 17cm 3DMark Fire Strike statue.

Check out the winning result details including the hardware used or view all the top scores in the 3DMark Ice Storm Overclocking Hall of Fame.

Cloud Gate contest segment

Contestants were competing to achieve the best 3DMark Cloud Gate score from a system with a single CPU and single GPU, limited to GTX 680 and below.

Congratulations to HKEPC-Linsanity whose new 3DMark Cloud Gate world record score of 37,639 earns him the top $3,000 USD prize, plus a $2,000 bonus for the world record and a limited edition 17cm 3DMark Fire Strike statue.

Check out the winning result details including the hardware used or view all the top scores in the 3DMark Cloud Gate Overclocking Hall of Fame.

Fire Strike contest segment

Contestants were competing to achieve the best 3DMark Fire Strike score. Multiple CPUs and GPUs were allowed, including the GALAXY GeForce GTX TITAN.

Congratulations to HKEPC-MadTse whose winning score is #3 in our 3DMark Fire Strike Hall of Fame. He wins the top $3,000 USD prize and a limited edition 17cm 3DMark Fire Strike statue.

Check out the winning result details including the hardware used or view all the top scores in the 3DMark Fire Strike Hall of Fame.

Lucky draw winners

Congratulations also go out to our twelve lucky draw winners, selected at random from all qualifying entries, who each win a GALAXY GeForce GTX 650 Ti GC graphics card: mcmonkeyninja, vicatjulien, akao12, K404, ANDR3636, NingMei, MV400R, timothy7285, arnim19, Hardcore1Gamer, Ekinyeung and AngelNa.

Discuss the contest in our forums and look out for more overclocking contests later this year.
